Does my dog have a bladder infection?

Like us humans, our four-legged friends can also contract a bladder infection. The symptoms are:
  • Peeing and little bits
  • incontinence
  • Blood in urine or fever


What are the causes of cystitis in dogs?

  • A bacterial infection
  • Diabetes not completely emptying the bladder and the presence of bladder stones.
  • Bladder stones or bladder tumor

It is also possible that the bladder muscles work less well or there is something wrong in the nervous system of the bladder, for example due to a hernia or spondylose in the back.

The treatment of cystitis

Often a course of antibiotics is enough to treat a bladder infection. Collect a little urine from your dog in a jar or container and go to the vet with your dog. Natural products such as Cranberry can support your dog's bladder and kidneys. It is also important that you often go for a walk with your dog and ensure that he can drink unlimitedly. Furthermore, make sure that your dog does not sit in cold or wet places, the moisture and cold can make the bladder inflammation worse. If your dog often suffers from a bladder infection, it is recommended that the veterinarian do an examination into the cause of the complaints.

There are several ways you could prevent a bladder infection such as:

  • Sufficient clean and fresh drinking water: this ensures that bacteria are less likely to place themselves in the bladder, because there is good flushing.
  • Walk your dog regularly: By walking, the bacteria in his body are washed away, as it were.
  • Do not give acidic products: the acidity of the urine can increase and this can cause bladder stones.
  • Take good care: Clean your dog regularly, this ensures that there are fewer bacteria on him, which also makes them less likely to penetrate.