Ticks in dogs: recognition and consequences

A tick is a brown-black arachnid insect that grow to about 1 to 10 millimeters in size. They live in shrubs, trees, tall grass and are found almost everywhere in the Netherlands. Ticks are attracted by the warmth and smell of humans and animals. Then they drop and bite themselves into the skin. A tick sucks up blood and forms into a black ball. After a few days, they let go. You can't feel the bite of a tick. Because the tick drills deep into the skin, a wound can occur. There will also often be a red spot that will be gone within 10-14 days.

Not all ticks are dangerous, but some carry certain diseases with them. If a tick bites, diseases such as Lyme disease and Babesiosis can be transmitted.


Lyme disease used to be rare in the Netherlands, but in recent years the number of cases in humans and animals has increased sharply. Researchers think about 10% to 50% of ticks are infected with Lyme disease. Ticks that are not infected with the disease can therefore also not transmit Lyme. Lyme disease is a nasty disease in which chronic complaints and paralysis symptoms can occur. So as soon as you see a tick, you should have it removed as soon as possible because of the high risk.

Symptoms of ticks in a dog

If you see a red circle forming around the bite in yourself, dog or cat, please contact the veterinarian. Especially if the red circle spreads in a circular form. In humans, red circles can also form around the nipples or ears even though the tick has bitten elsewhere. Due to the fur of an animal, the circles are not always visible. Diseases can develop further and the dog suffers from joint complaints, fever, vibrations and dizziness. The bacterium that causes Lyme disease places itself in the central nervous system and hinders the functioning of the nerves. This can eventually cause paralysis symptoms. In humans, the corner of the mouth often starts to skew and an eye no longer wants to close. Antibiotics can treat Lyme disease. If there are vague (joint) complaints, you should also indicate whether you have ever removed a tick as there is a wide variety of complaints in Lyme disease.


Not all tick species can transmit Babesiosis.  In Europe, so far, there is only one tick species that can transmit the disease. This tick is called Dermacentor  Reticularis  (also called dog killer tick). The tick is slightly darker and larger than a normal tick. At first this tick did not occur in the Netherlands, but nowadays there are places where this tick can be located. After the tick begins to suck the blood, it lasts about 3 days until the disease is transmitted to a dog. So it is very important that you protect your dog from ticks as well as possible. For this you can buy a drawing tape or a flea remedy. You can also prevent diseases by removing the tick as soon as possible. You can recognize Babesiosis disease because the urine has turned a red color. Also, dogs often suffer from fever, anemia, a bad appetite and vomiting. In the worst case, this disease can be fatal to dogs. You can treat Babesiosis  by giving the right drugs, if you get there quickly your dog is often cured quite quickly. 

Effective removal of ticks in a dog

If you remove the tick within 24 hours, the chance of possible infections is greatly reduced. To remove a tick, you need to purchase a drawing tong. Do not try to turn the tick out with your fingers, tweezers or a with alcohol. This can increase the risk of infections and you run the risk of the head of the tick being left behind and starting to ignite. Place the pliers all over the tick; hold it straight and tight against the dog's skin and twist the tongs in one direction with a smooth movement, while also gently pulling the tongs. Often a tick lets go in this way. Do not throw the tick in the trash immediately, but first make sure that it is really dead. The tick can get stuck with your dog again. If it is not possible to remove the tick itself, contact the veterinarian. Once the tick has been removed, you can disinfect the wound with a Betadine product. Then also disinfect the drawing tongs and write down the date somewhere. Now you can pay attention to whether certain symptoms of Lyme disease arise.

Prevention of tick bites in dogs

To prevent ticks, you can purchase special sprays, spot-ons and drawing bands for your dog. Of course, it is not 100% certain that your dog will not get a tick now, but the chances will be significantly reduced. However, they ensure that ticks are less able to place themselves and that they die before they can suck up the blood. Furthermore, eating garlic can help to make the smell and taste of the blood less attractive. One of the best precautions is a daily tick bite check, especially if you live in an area where there are a lot of ticks. Don't forget to check your own body as well (also think of the soft skin parts, such as armpits, knee cavities and behind your ears). Do the same with your dog; Put him on his back and check him carefully. If you are going on holiday with your dog, first check what kind of sign there may be. In France, for example, there are ticks that carry other diseases.