What is a stomach torsion in dogs

A stomach torsion occurs when the stomach swells and then turns, closing the stomach as digestion continues. The abdominal cavity swells because the digestion process cannot be continued. There is pressure on the lungs and other organs, which causes your dog to get stuffy. Poor blood circulation can cause cardiac arrhythmias and damage to the heart muscle. It is very important to go directly to the veterinarian, because the stomach wall can leak. This can result in shock or acute peritoneal inflammation that can cause the dog to die. A stomach upset is a life-threatening situation; about 30% of dogs do not survive this.


Causes of stomach torsion in dogs

The exact causes of stomach torsion are not yet known. However, there are known factors that increase the likelihood of development, such as:

  • Medium to large dogs with a deep chest such as the Dobermann, Saint Bernard dog, Bernese Sennenhond, Bouvier, German Shepherd and the German Dog have a higher chance of a stomach torturing.
  • heredity
  • Too few meals daily
  • Eating too fast
  • temperament
  • Exercise or stress immediately after meals.
  • Foreign object in the stomach

However, it is believed that there are certain conditions that reduce the risk of stomach tortive. It is recommended to feed your dog 2 to 3 times a day in small portions instead of 1 full tray. Give the dog at least 1 hour of rest after eating so that his food can be digested properly. Do not walk or play with the dog immediately after eating. Further measures you can take is to make sure that your dog does not startled while eating and does not drink too much (cold) water after eating.

Symptoms of stomach torsion in dogs

One of the most common symptoms of gastric torsion is the bloated, hard abdomen. The dog becomes restless and nauseous because the stomach expands like this. The dog often tries to vomit but nothing comes out because the stomach is closed. Also, the dog will drool and smack a lot. In addition, pressure on the lungs can cause shortness of breath.


Treatment of stomach torsion in dogs

In case of suspicion of a stomach upset in your dog, it is important to schedule an appointment directly with the veterinarian. The veterinarian will then stabilize the dog by oxygen administration or increase the blood stool. Surgery is always necessary to be able to turn back the stomach. If the stomach is fixed, the chance of recurrence is reduced. Your dog will also be given antibiotics, corticosteroids and medications for cardiac arrhythmias.