Does my dog have anxiety or stress?

Dogs are generally good company. However, undesirable behaviour may occur. This is often caused by traumas,poor socialization or multiple negative experiences. Anxiety can be reduced or stopped through training. Fear in dogs can be recognized by:

  • Low body posture
  • Tail between the hind legs
  • Ears backwards
  • Trembling/ shaking
  • gasp
  • Makes contact for support or is shy
  • Harden up

Advice for reducing anxiety and stress in your dog

It is important to make your dog feel safe. This can be done by creating your own quiet place for the dog in your home. It can help to comfort your dog, only when the dog is looking for rapprochement. In addition, focus on a reward-oriented approach to other behaviors. You can also choose to enlist professional help when the other options show no improvement.