Food intolerance in dogs and cats

If your dog eats quality dog food but still suffers from physical complaints, there may be a food allergy or intolerance.  A food allergy is a reaction of the immune system after inclusion of a certain ingredient in the feed. In most cases, this is a protein. The dog will mainly suffer from skin complaints.

Food intolerance does not have much to do with the immune system but causes problems to the intestines. Ingredients in the feed can cause intolerance, but there may also be a lack of one or more digestive enzymes. Cats have lactose intolerance. So it is important never to give milk to a cat, because then they can suffer from diarrhea. Dogs may suffer from the disease exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI). In this disease, the pancreas does not make enough digestive enzymes, so the feed is only partially digested.     


Symptoms of food intolerance in dogs and cats

  • Vomit
  • Diarrhea
  • Apathy
  • Stomach ache
  • Weight loss

Treatment: What can you do?

It is difficult to establish a food intolerance. It can be that there are two conditions at the same time that cause itching. Now it is important to apply an elimination diet. There are two types of dietes.

  1. The self-cooking diet: contains 1 animal protein source and 1 carbohydrate (rice or potato).
  2. the "hydrolyzed diet: reduced protein sources that cannot be recognized by the body.

By gradually replacing the current feed to the diet, your pet can completely switch to the elimination diet in 6 days. This diet should be given for at least 6 weeks, without any addition of snacks, medications or supplements. These additives may also contain substances that cause allergic reactions.