Mites in dogs: recognition and treatment

Unlike ticks, mites can't transmit diseases to your dog. However, they do cause severe symptoms. Different types of mites can bother your dog, for example the autumn grass mites, ear mites,scabies mite and fur mite. Ear mites  and fur mites are most common.

Ear mite in dogs

Ear mites reside in the ear canal or skin around the ear. They are often transmitted through direct contact in young dogs. Symptoms include ear infections accompanied by itching and a brown discharge. The mites can be recognized by a smear of the ears.

Fur mite in dogs

Fur mite can be found on the skin of your dog or cat. Mites sit on the animal's skin for their entire cycle. The mites live on the surface of the skin, moving between the hairs. The mites feed on tissue fluids, resulting in itching and flakes.

You can recognize fur mite (Chelytetiella) through the following symptoms:

  • Dull coat
  • rose
  • Loose hairs
  • Flakes at a later stage

The mites are hard to see, only when they move. If in doubt, the veterinarian can do additional physical examination.

Treatment of mites

It is important that you give your pet a parasite killing agent, even if your pet does not yet suffer from fur mite. It may be that your pet does not suffer from fur mites but is a carrier. Also, you need to treat the environment in which the animal is located. An example of a product for your cat can be frontline spray. Give this once a month for 2 months. It is best to give Exil Wash  Away to your dog, once a week for 3 weeks.